If you make a package but don't tell anyone about it, does it really exist?
I somewhat recently went through the excercise of writing a simple R package based around the steamspy API.

Parsing the PLoS Corpus dump (tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands!) + SMOG
XML parsing is a pain, and I learned about SMOG (not the pollution kind)

A personal hedonometric analysis of my tweets, a perspective on self-care and looking forward
tidytext 4 life, ggplot, self-care!

Live-tweeting Evolution 2016 was pretty cool. Here are some figures and advice on how to do the same for your own upcoming conference.

Set up a twitter filter stream before a conference to properly check out the zeitgeist!
streamR and tidytext are pretty cool if you use R, yo

Glory to Keras, tensorflow autoencoders , the first Kaggle submission, and getting over forking/using using code (nearly) verbatim

Completing the tensorflow beginner's MNIST tutorial is 23 lines of code, but what did I learn?
The hello-world of tensorflow and machine-learning is still kinda hard-core

Bleeding edge tensorflow 0.8 docker image python3 w/ pandas & fluff
TL;DR I made a TensorFlow Dockerfile w/ some data science bells and whistles, Python3

Embrace python3 ye fellow scientific dinosaurs, the gilded age of 2.7 is finally past (It's the default in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
The end

dirdf is way better than crafting some ghastly regex to get your artisinal, bespoke tweet filenames
How does one easily date-restrict file ranges in R (I know how in Python)? This is something of a short precurser post to a series of longer analyses where I...

Using R, ggplot2, and cowplot to datamine and determine things you already knew about your photography habits
Aside: if you’re here you probably already know about the book, but Nicholas Felton’s new book Photoviz looks wicked cool.

Cowplot is pretty OK in my book
vectors are for cool kids

At least skinny-bones doesn't break github pages (if I change almost nothing)
I guess I learned something valuable about reinventing the webpage over and over again

3rd times a blog - and hyphens are a sin
Well, as I mentioned yesterday I started diving into git and am already on the third version of a website, after going through pelican (after @wrightingapril...

A website
Well, here begins my attempts to carve out a website. I will note my original inspiration was a pelican blog style after April Wright’s website which I inten...